Sinterklaas Celebration| Everything you like know

Arrivals in Haarlem | Customs| History
Sinterklaas chocola

Who was Sint Nicolaas aka Sinterklaas?

Read this blog post when you wondering who Sint Nicolaas actually was.

Sinterklaas intocht Haarlem

Find dates of arrivals in the Haarlem Area

On November 18ht, Sinterklaas will arrive in The Netherlands. The old man will certainly visit Haarlem and surroundings too. Check this blog post for arrivals in the Haarlem Area.

Sinterklaas op het dak in Heemstede

Meet Sinterklaas on November 25th or 26th

Sinterklaas and his Pieten have a very busy schedule but they will be back in the Haarlem again this weekend! Read where you can meet them in this blog post with the last updates! Tip: The event in Heemstede is spectacular!

Sinterklaas intocht Haarlem

Find dates of arrivals in the Haarlem Area

On November 18ht, Sinterklaas will arrive in The Netherlands. The old man will certainly visit Haarlem and surroundings too. Check this blog post for arrivals in the Haarlem Area.

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