Let’s delve into the why behind Remembrance Day and it’s customs.

Understanding remembrance day May 4th

Remembrabce day is a moment for the Dutch people to honor and remember those who lost their lives during Woorld War II, as well as those who have fallen in subsequent conflicts and peacekeeping missions. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made for freedom and the importance of preserving peace.

customs and traditions

Two minutes of silence

At 8 pm on May 4th, the entire nation observes two minutes of silence. During this time, public transportation halts, and people pause whatever they are doing to reflect silently. it’s a moment of unity and respect.

Wreath-lying ceremonies

Across the ceremonies, are held at monuments, war memorials, and cemetries. Officials, veterans, and civilians lay wreaths as a symbol of remembrance and gratitude. 

Flags at half-mast

Dutch flags are flown at half-mast as mark of repsect for the fallen. 

Concerts and cultural events

While Remembrance Day is primarily somber, there are also cultural events to relfect on the past while embracing the hope for peace in the future.